In this February 1990 letter to the editor of FATE magazine by Connie Grzych, longtime friend, co-worker and benefactor of Laura Mundo, she reiterates her (and her late mentor's) disdain for the focus on psychic phenomenon in regards to UFOs and aliens. The topic was an early theme in the Vimana days of the 1950s and held true to their credo 40 years later, even after the death of Laura in 1989.
Another thing which intrigued me was that Connie and her husband Joe were living in Novi at the time of the letter. Which was curious to me since the postcard that I recently posted from Laura to her son and family bore a Novi address as well. Seeing as she had publicly stated that she was taken care of both by family and friends - including Carmella Falzone - it seemed almost inevitable that she lived with the Grzychs and according to several sources she apparently did.
Back to back Google Book listings for the address show that the house at 23084 Brookforest was under Joe's name in 1973 and that Laura was still peddling her newsletter from there in 1987, two years before her death. The stated price of the publication was 30 cents, which likely barely covered her shipping and production costs. Joe, of course, had illustrated the front cover of Laura's book Pied Piper From Outer Space.
Connie's 2014 obituary states that her and Joe had invested their lives in a small silk-screen business and they likely were instrumental in the publication of her several booklets and newsletters.
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