My plan is to type out each article featured on this blog in full - save for the long ones - for easier visibility on search engines. Since I am on time constraints I will post a quick synopsis. Laura Mundo gave a talk at the Olean House in New York on May 15, 1959 concerning her supposed face-to-face meeting with Venusians and especially the recurring character of Orthon, the George Adamski trademark figure. Her cohort Connie Grzych was a witness to said encounter. Bob Barry, Director of APIS, was sponsoring the event.
OLEAN - Mrs. Laura Mundo, Co-Director of the Planetary Center, Dearborn, Mich., claims contact, face to face, with being from the planet Venus. Persons attending the third UFO Conference, Froday May 15, at 8 p. m. in the Ballroom of the Olean House, will have an opportunity to hear Mrs. Mundo tell of her experiences and understanding pertaining to information allegedly given to her.
Mrs. Mundo states she has talked to "Orthon from Venus: whom George Adamski mentions in his book "Flying Saucers Have Landed" and "Inside the Spaceships." Mrs. Mundo states her co-worker, Mrs. Connie Grzych, also of Dearborn, can verify the face to face contacts.
The Aerial Phenomena investigations Society, national headquarters in Olean, was informed by Mrs. Mundo that she would be happy to relay this information to those attending the conference. While APIS is strictly and investigative organization of reported UFO sightings the nation over, many local and area persons have brought up the discussion of "contact" reports during question and answer periods at previous UFO Conferences. Therefore, Bob Barry, Director of APIS, decided to let those attending hear first hand of the alleged direct contacts, according to the statements made by Mrs. Mundo.
APIS officials desire those who are interested in this phase of the program to prepare questions to ask Mrs. Mundo during the question and answer period pertaining to the alleged contacts. In this manner, it will give believers and non-believers an opportunity to discuss the subject openly with Mrs. Mundo, and he co-worker. Mrs. Grzych. Mrs. Mundo said she will relay the information regarding the reason for the coming of the visitors from Venus.
This portion of the program is being presented solely for the benefit of those expressing interest in contact reports; APIS does not confirm or deny any such contact reports.
Persons desiring to attend may do so by making reservations now. There is no charge. Reservations may be made by writing or calling Bob Barry, 328 No. 6th St., Olean.
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