An 1953 Envelope Addressed to "Midge" of "Playschool" for Her Scrapbook

I'm not sure what differentiated this envelope containing scrapbook flower cutouts for Midge's scrapbook sent by Ray Kronsbeen(?) of Detroit from other fan mail but this one survived 34 years after Laura Mundo's death and 69 years after it was sent to her. Perhaps he was a personal friend?

The mention of Wilfred Brandon on the back of the envelope is a reference to his book We Knew These Men which is a spiritualist book of purported spirit writing. Incarnation: A Plea from the Masters is for co-operation, in keeping the world at peace as well as in the progress of the race. The Amazon listing mentions it as such:

The automatic transcription, is by Edith Ellis, who writes: "This book - by the author of Open the Door! - is his vivid explanation of life as he says it is lived after death. It gives, for the first time, an explanation of the progress and the differing methods of incarnation; the Oriental and the Occidental way and the Modern Method. Also it sets forth, in simple but scientific terms, the process of the soul's emergence and adjustment to the Etheric plane. The book explains the work of the White Brotherhood, a secular order founded in 1920 and dedicated to World Peace and to caring for the victims of the World War after death. It contains a very clear picture of the way that mental creation in the ether takes place, which results in the various objects, architecture, etc. The chapters are filled with many human incidents that illustrate the system of life after death, even the inevitable humorous as well as the serious situations that occur. A Plea from the Masters is for co-operation, in keeping the world at peace as well as in the progress of the race.

The White Brotherhood, a secular order, is a curious mention that I'll have to look further into as it sounds as mysterious as it does nefarious. I shall see if these two writings play into Laura's thinking in the years ahead.
