"Thief Nets $1000 in House Robbery"

This is a curious incident in the timeline of Otto Marxer's WikiTree entry under Events in April of 1947 with the theft of $1,000 from the family residence at 22242 Edison Street according to the Dearborn Press:

The theft of $1000 in bills and change was reported to the police Saturday morning by Otto Marxer, 22242 Edison, who stated someone had entered his home and taken a small green box containing the money sometime between 3 a.m. and noon Friday. Mrs. Marxer, who told police that she had left the doors to the house unlocked when she left Friday morning because she could not find her keys, said the box had been taken from a dresser drawer in the upstairs bedroom. 

According to Marxer, the money was made up of one $100 bill, two $50 bills, and the rest in $10 and $20 bills. He added that about $40 in change was also taken.

Which, to even the unastute observer, seems fishy to say the least. Not to accuse Laura of any untoward behavior but the happenstance of an unlocked door on a random day which coincides with a burglary in Dearborn, of all places, seems suspiciously intentional. The mention of it occurring between 3 AM and noon is also interesting. Did she leave at 3 AM? If so one would assume that she didn't walk at that time of night/morning. I realize that the 1940s was a different era than our barricade the doors attitude but this scenario seems wholly implausible to the modern cynic.
