In 1977 the Mundo Monitor was in peril as Laura and Carmella Falzone seemingly had to move to the Cherry Hill Apartments in Inkster, Michigan according to her letter to the editor of Cosmology Newslink. Her relocation is a boon for me as that places her within the confines of the old Nankin Township, my wheel house, and makes her fodder for the "newspaper" which is also called the MONITOR. Haha. There is no keeping her out of it now.
In this letter she was writing concerning the Bermuda Triangle and a joint exercise between the Soviet Union and the United States. Which is of little concern to me as I'm far more interested in her own work and her increasing usage of ALL CAPS which is explained as such, "SEEM TO BE WRITING EVERYTHING IN CAPITALS THESE DAYS..AS THOUGH WRITING A TELEGRAM..PERHAPS TIME IS A HASTENING!!"
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