In the latest edition of The Saucer Life podcast Aaron Guylas mentions the book Flying Saucer Pilgrimage by Bryant and Helen Reeve as recent reading material. He says that he didn't know that the couple were part of the Detroit flying saucer scene but having read Laura Mundo's Flying Saucers and the Father's Plan he surely did but must have forgotten about it or didn't make the connection at the time. I say that because in the second chapter of Laura's book (which he did a podcast on) she mentions the couple as being close friends and also drops the name of their book.
She writes:
"Then, when I was in the home of Helen and Bryant Reeve (who later wrote "FLYING SAUCER PILGRIMAGE") for a holiday gathering in December, 1953, somebody suggested asking George Adamski to come to Detroit to lecture about his experiences related in the book. Since the book had impressed me, and since I had handled such work in the past, I offered to handle the publicity for the lecture."
In Flying Saucer Pilgrimage (pg. 14) Bryant Reeve relates that he came home from work one night and his wife told him that he had rented the Masonic Temple in Detroit out for $1,200 for the purpose of introducing George Adamski to the general public. Much to his surprise, around 4,500 people showed up for the event. The group obviously made their money back while also becoming trailblazers in the UFO abductee and research field.
Since I am a book collector I will definitely pick up a first edition hardcover of the Reeve book but will also utilize the aforementioned digital version when I start the annotated editions of Laura's books in hopes of documenting some of her source material. It's a lofty ambition which I will do in the spirit of her free work, as all historical material should be handled.
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