by Laura Mundo

Each time I hear a new and more complex theory regarding flying saucers, and visitors from other planets, I realize how grateful I am to George Adamski for having made the visitors' coming such a simple, plausible thing for me.

When he came to Detroit to lecture on his experiences with the visitors in March of 1954 for the first time, I had the challenging job of handling the lecture promotion and consequently had a great deal of opportunity to listen to him as he spoke to the countless people who came to him, before and after the lecture. I worked closely with him during the other two lectures he has given in Detroit since then as well as handling his lectures in other cities. This has given me an invaluable opportunity to hear his story many times and to evaluate the information he has given out concerning the visitors.

From the beginning I recognized that George Adamski was far superior to me in conscious evolution and some sixth sense told me that if I was not concerned, as I noted that some people were, with any academic status or social graces, that he may or may not have had... I might learn something. And so I listened to WHAT he was saying rather than HOW he was saying it and did not become personally offended because what he was saying did not always conform to my own present theories. I could see that those who decided that Mr. Adamski did not measure up, for one reason or another, to THEIR idea of a man whom the visitors might choose to contact, lost sight of the message in their personal judgment of the messenger and they are the ones who have become confused. I sometimes wonder if perhaps Mr. Adamski was not chosen because of certain qualifications to give out this information to give us a chance to really see ourselves, regardless of what we profess to believe in. If any earth people are going to be chosen by the visitors to help to teach humanity a higher understanding of Universal, they would certainly have to prove that they could live the ones they already know, first, and that they are capable of growing with the new knowledge as it is presented and not limit mankind's growth to their own limitations.

Having identified myself with Mr. Adamski on the platform... I found myself drawn into the field of saucer research and organizational work. Since that time, countless people have come to me for answers concerning the flying saucers and I am grateful that I have had the guide-stick of Mr. Adamski's explanation to give to them to compare to other theories. My own experiences with the visitors, just prior to Mr. Adamski's coming and many times since then have given me an opportunity to apply his guidance, to know that it is very practical.

Mr. Adamski lay emphasis on the fact that the people coming from other planets are physical people, of flesh and blood, body and soul, like ourselves. Because they LIVE the Universal Laws as a way of life with every breath they breathe, rather than only professing to do so as many of us on this planet do, they have a more advanced civilization. They live and die and have children the same way we do. They are no closer to God than we are but have a further understanding of Him than we do and will help us to a further understanding of Him, also.. as they have tried to do many times in earth's history, if we will allow them to do so.

Mr. Adamski said the visitors told him that the combination of physical and spiritual like ourselves, body and soul, is in effect all the way up through infinitesimal schools of progress, back to the Original Source. It is LESS physical and MORE spiritual as we progress by being re-born on a higher planet of learning each time, providing we graduate from the curriculum prescribed in the school which we are presently attending. If we flunk, we take the course over. We are presently operating in the vehicle we built from our thoughts in our last life, in other words, our existence will be on a higher planet in the next life, since we are attracted to the vibrations to which we have progressed. We must raise our perspective from the old thought that sufficed when we had lesser understanding that "when I die, my soul will go to Heaven".. to the higher, more profound understanding of "when this present vehicle in which I am operating is defunct and has finished its purpose in helping me to learn the lessons I must learn, I shall graduate and be re-born on a higher planet of learning.'

It is at this point that those who advance the theory that these visitors are Etheric Beings get off the track. They insist that the visitors exist beyond our seeing range on higher planes and only lower their vibrations and the vibration of their ships as a concession to our lack of understanding. They point out that Mr. Adamski has contradicted himself in saying that these are NOT Etheric Beings in his latest book, "Inside The Space Ships" on page 156 when he says that the visitors "can increase the frequency of the activated area of a ship to the point of producing invisibility". Mr. Adamski says in answer to that accusation that because a ship is vibrating at a too high frequency for us to see with our present range of seeing, even though it is hovering in one place in the air, does NOT change the essence or the nature of its matter. He points out that were one to poke his hand into the whirling blades of a fan that is moving too fast for one to distinguish the blades separately, one would soon know that the blades are still there and as solid as ever...and still very much within our dimension! If we were to think of these visitors as having further knowledge of NATURAL or PHYSICAL laws than we have, rather than get into any "etheric" speculation, we might find it less confusing.

Since all in nature is gradual, it could be true that there are more highly perfected people whose physical vehicles are vibrating to a too high a rate for us to see and for even the visitors to see. These Greater People could be helping and guiding us from their particular fields of endeavor through mental processes and should they want to come down amongst us, they would have to conform to natural law and exist in a vehicle that was in keeping with our planetary rate of vibration...but THEY ARE STILL PHYSICAL PEOPLE, soul and body, and not spirits floating around. However, with these Greater People we are not concerned, especially, at this time. The visitors who are coming to us...are within our vibratory range, with more refined be sure, since they are more spiritually evolved, more in tune with the Universal Principle. As nature abhors a vacuum, she also does not jump from one octave to another, rather it is a blended, gradual process.

The fact that there could be other people like himself is the veil that man has pulled over his own eyes down through the hundreds of years. When the visitors came down through the past, he had no idea of the vastness of his OWN planet, let alone that there could be other worlds like his own and much more advanced. He obviously could not have conceived, either, of a "flying machine" and its technical aspects, or he would have had one of his own. When he saw something flying through the air, it had to be a "living creature" the birds, as Ezekiel described them in the Bible. He had no idea when he saw a strange "living creature" in his skies that people like himself could be travelling in it. Not knowing that people were inside this strange object, he did not connect the sudden appearance of an individual beside him, who might have emerged unnoticed by him from a ship when it landed somewhere nearby out of his sight. Discovering this person to be dressed in very superior clothing, showing a knowledge upon acquaintance far superior to his own, he at once thought of magic...or the supernatural as we have come to call it. He connected these people with God, since he did have the ability to understand the existence of a Supreme Being in Heaven whom he worshipped. Anybody so superior to himself...had to come from wherever God was.

It is strange that man should have developed a more mature, more profound understanding of almost everything else as his ability to conceive of more has developed, but still insists upon interpreting the incidents that happened to mankind through Biblical history from the perspective and level of understanding of the people of that time. Even though he KNOWS that many times what seemed to be miraculous to the people in those times, is commonplace to us...and that even what seems miraculous to us today, we know has a natural explanation beyond our present understanding. He prefers to think it is blasphemous to consider anything in the Bible as having a natural explanation, forgetting entirely that behind the natural forces is a Divine Origin that no one is discounting. The religionist may talk about God but the scientist works with God's forces and certainly is not irreligious because he seeks to have a further understanding of them.

If he were to go back and read the Bible in the light of reality instead of childish fanciful myths, and think of those who came to help mankind in moments of emergency or to help raise his understanding at certain stages of his growth, or to start him on the right road when different civilizations began by giving him rules by which to conduct a society fitting for the understanding of the people of those times, we can easily see then that the God of Isaac and the God of Moses and the Angels of the Lord all could have been visitors doing the Creator's work of helping lesser evolved brothers to a greater understanding of Him. We, too, the visitors have told Mr. Adamski, will help to bring lesser evolved brothers on lesser evolved planets to a further understanding of the Creator when we have proved we can get along with ourselves and control our emotions and can once more be allowed to rejoin the Universal family from which we have so long separated ourselves. We have been given free will and choice to decide WHEN we are going to learn the lessons both as individuals and as a planet of people, that we must learn.

We must push up the roof of our minds and KNOW that all in nature is gradual, and that there are people more advanced than we are with degrees and degrees of growth between us and the Creator. However, these people coming to us do NOT want to be called gods as mankind has done in the past. They do NOT want to be worshiped, for they know they break a Universal Law that forbids anything or anyone being worshiped before God, Himself. In the past when they have come to help, man from his then present level of understanding, fell to worshiping them and they had to withdraw. They want to make sure that does not happen this time and so they are coming to individuals who can conceive of the reality of them and their rightful place in the Universe, who will, in turn, brief the minority concerning them. This minority, in turn, will also educate the masses concerning them to where they can come in and be received by all...a safe gradual method of growth.

Those of us in the saucer research field...see in the Bible only a difference in the language of the writer in different times. The writer who wrote about Elijah's trip to Heaven in a fiery chariot...wrote as best he could about a technical ship with non-technical language. A saucer researcher today would write that "Mr.Elijah was given a ride in a flying saucer" whose force-field about it lit up the ethers to where it looked like a ball of fire. He was given a ride to a planet to where there was a more perfected society, a comparative Heaven...BECAUSE THE PEOPLE LIVED GOD'S LAWS INSTEAD OF PROFESSING TO DO SO!

We have been left alone for long periods of time to work out our own problems, the visitors have told Mr. Adamski, except for those who are constantly among us, guiding us. They are coming to us at this time for two purposes. They are watching our atomic experimentation very closely. They cannot come in and force us to use it for the good of all concerned..because they would break a Universal Law that has given us free will and choice to learn our lessons when we get ready to learn them. However, if we reach the point in our experimentation to where we endanger the planet and therefore the solar system of which they are a part, they can then come in and use emergency measures.

Also...they have noted a shift in the magnetic poles of our earth as would two bodies in conjunction with each other when one shifts. Our own scientists have noted the shift and the ensuing changes in climatic conditions that follows as a natural aftermath. The visitors have said that every planet has a slow third movement from north to south and that every many thousands of years, each planet takes a sudden quarter tilt and land that was under water comes up and land that was up goes down. It is only nature's way of replenishing a depleted earth after mankind has lived on it for centuries. They are watching this for their own sakes, for if the earth does take a sudden tilt, they would be prepared for the effect it would have upon their own planets and could move their people to a high place of safety which would be no trick for them, since their space ships carry hundreds of people at a time. They say that the atomic experimentation has not motivated the acceleration of our third movement but it can aggravate it. They say also that even with their own much more sensitive scientific instruments, they do not know when this tilt might take place, perhaps within the next few months...or not for the next hundreds of years. They make NO prophecies concerning this...or anything else...for there again they respect the Universal Law...that says, "There shall be no other Gods before Me"...which means the individual must learn to develop his own inner guidance...and anyone prophecying or giving him direct daily helping to break that law. The visitors, too, can only watch and be prepared and live each day as it comes along and will be glad to help us should we need help and IF we will allow them to do so.

It is imperative then that the work of indoctrinating the people of this planet into receiving the visitors proceed without interruption and those who are aware of the visitors and sit in meditation circles trying to contact them or attempting to bring themselves to a further awareness of Self...only...are pursuing selfish ends and spending energy and time that should be spent towards helping their fellow man to become aware of the visitors...for time is of the essence. Even if hundreds of years pass... before the earth's shifting, those of us who are aware have a duty to mankind. There is no need to contact the visitors, they have said to Mr. Adamski. They know of each one of us and our efforts and are members of our saucer organizations, working right along with us. Those who seek for the visitors will someday be surprised to learn that they have been right at hand, all the time. They do not have time to reveal themselves to those whose only interest might prove to be the sensation of having had a contact, only to brag about it or to satisfy an ego-wish. After we have shown our good intentions of desiring to help make it possible for them to be received by everyone, as one would receive a visitor or a relative from a distant country without fear or undue fanaticism, they can then openly identify themselves to everyone and visit freely amongst us and once more extend a helping brotherly hand, should we need one.

Mr. Adamski has emphasized over and over, and made enemies doing so, that we must NOT have any faith in psychic phenomena concerning the visitors...or we will be led astray in these "latter days". The visitors have said that wonderful intuitive powers will open up in mankind in general, eventually, and are opening up in some individuals in advance, as it always has but because our thought planes are only a reflection of the thoughts mankind has given birth to for milleniums, both good and bad, and some of them VERY bad, it is safer to stay away from such methods at the present time. With the physical plane being disturbed by the changes in the earth, the inner planes are equally disturbed and such methods as automatic writing, ouija board, trance mediumship and the new labels of the old psychic methods such as "voice precipitation on tape" and "omni-light communication" are all dangerous and can lead individuals down the the garden path in time of an emergency. Also...invoking unknown universal powers as many groups are doing at this time...can lead to many dangers, the least of these being insanity.

The visitors have said that they receive our thoughts and are moving individuals who will allow themselves to be used into areas of activity where they can get saucer information to the people. They have a PLAN for coming to us, and are gradually indoctrinating people, consciously or unconsciously, to their methods. they send NO messages, however...moving people mostly under impression. If an individual does not respond to the impression, they do not force the issue, but withdraw and go on to the next individual. They give NO will note that Mr. Adamski emphasized this in "Inside The Space Ships." He said that the visitors gave him no names when he asked for them...but suggested he give them earth names if he wished for his own purposes of identification. Any information coming through any channel that does give this information can usually be traced to a psychic source.

Since all in nature is gradual, there are also people of lesser evolution than ourselves in the Universe, but still, also within our seeing range of vibrations. These are like intelligent children in their stage of conscious development and awareness...and because they live the Creator's Laws as best they understand them they are allowed to roam the Universe. They are NOT leprechauns and gnomes, etc....which is another strain of evolution by which God manifests Himself, with which we are not concerned either...but are the same strain of evolution as ourselves. They are scientifically in advance of us as Mr. Adamski has noted on page 86 of "Inside The Space Ships", under the guidance of the Elder visitors, to differentiate between them. They are in our atmosphere and the Elders try to keep them back knowing we have enough of an adjustment to make to conceive of there being people like ourselves when we have been taught for so long that there could not be. However, they do get in and like children in trying to "help" sometimes create confusion. They do not realize the seriousness of the situation. They seldom make appearance because with less refined atoms than we have, they are more gross and not so "pretty". They have been the origin of the "monster" stories. However, THEY ARE NOT EVIL...THAT MUST BE EMPHASIZED...since in a well-ordered and controlled universe...the "evil" is quarantined as we are...and the non-"evil"...allowed free pasture.

These Lesser People try to contact us, in any way that they can, even short wave radio, if encouraged to do so. Through a personal experience in September of 1954, I had a chance to see this explanation of Mr. Adamski's regarding the Lesser People, borne out. It is a long story in itself, but suffice it to say at this time that messages were beginning to come over short wave radio after a local group had attempted to contact the visitors. Because names were included in the messages and all kinds of advice and prophecies, I, myself, was able to evaluate them as coming from lesser people. Those who did not care to listen to my reminder of Mr. Adamski's explanations, found themselves running around the country night and day following useless directions in the messages, giving out prophecies to others that later did not come true...and in general wasting precious time and energy. There is no doubt but what the visitors will use our methods of communication when we get them in here...since we are not so mentally developed as they are and must use physical instruments for communication. At the present time they are not using radio. Space has been such an unknown quantity to us that naturally we have not known this. I am glad I listened to Mr. Adamski for I was saved much heartache and headache in this respect.

The only safe method is to stay away from the sensational entirely and to be so busy working to help bring this information to our next door neighbor and relatives and friends that we do not have time to be tempted to try any methods, psychic or otherwise, to contact the visitors. When the time is right for our own personal contact, it will reveal itself to us "like a thief in the night" and we will know in our hearts we will have earned it by helping to bring our fellow man a little bit nearer to his contact with the visitors and the wonderful heights to which they can help our civilization to grow. 

The end.
