The two brief mentions of Laura Mundo in Flying Saucer Pilgrimage come early in the book and deal with already well-known facts concerning the formation of the Detroit Flying Saucer Club. A pioneer group in the UFOlogist lexicon formed by friends Henry Maday, Laura Marxer and the authors, Helen and Bryant Reeve among others. Another man named Ronny is mentioned but I don't recall who that is. Having just glanced through my copy of The Vimana I didn't see any mentions of him whatsoever.
The second mention is a few pages later when it states that Laura handled the press duties of the fledgling group. It was nearly impossible to get any publicity for the coming George Adamski lectures but since Laura had connections to WWJ via her starring role as Midge in the children's television program Play School she was allotted a five minute interview on the WWJ radio between Adamski and Ross Mulholland. The segment was riveting enough that it was kept over an extra 80 minutes and ended in a burst of applause. The group was on their way to making history and the Adamski program at the Masonic Temple would meet with great critical and financial success. Notoriety that lasted only briefly.
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