My Work

My Work

It's always exciting to find scans of Laura's work but especially when they have relevance to current projects that I'm working on. Mainly that of the Belmont novel-autobiography. Which is mentioned in this guest editorial for the Cosmology Newslink No. 8 issue. Of the book she declares:

"which the public can better take than the facts..concerned with the preparation for the last days of this kind of civilization on the planet when the sunspot acceleration comes to a climax and then settles down; the reason the space people are coming, to try, I understand, to remove those people whom they can before then. When the still active 21st 11-year old sunspot cycle 'end' in September 1975..WHILE THE PRESENT ONE /=20 (since they have been recorded for the past 200 years)."

Which is a lot to take in from just a novel-autobiography. 110 pages into the book I'm patiently awaiting the Doomsday proclamations to start in full force after being bandied about in short snippets.

She is still adamantly anti-psychic in concern with the aliens as George Adamski had told her that they do not use such modes of communications with humans.

She also believed that anti-gravity exploration was a distraction and that the aliens would not allow humans to be successful in developing it.

"Hold tight, loosely." she begins her farewell and concluded with its antipode, "Hold loose, tightly." Or is that the same thing?
