Laura Mundo's An Open Letter to the Militant Black Man - a six page manifesto on how to solve racial unrest - by today's standards is a hodgepodge of racial insensitivity, hard Socialist groupthink and zany Utopian idealism. Even in 1968, when it was written, it likely wouldn't have pacified any animosity by blacks against whites and comes across as simply out there, as much of her work does and was. Luckily, I didn't have to purchase this booklet for some ridiculous amount as the Wisconsin Historical Society had a copy in their archives and were kind enough to scan it in its entirety for free when I inquired about it. Otherwise, I would have been majorly disappointed by its commonplace sentiment and lack of flying saucers. But Laura was a metaphysicist at heart and wished to cure the world's ills.
The first cringe worthy moment in the screed is when Laura refers to God as "It" as she was apt to do. Being a non-theist it makes me openly guffaw but to a black person of the late 1960s who was still largely holding on to some religious values despite being marginalized, the notion probably wouldn't have come across as anything but suspicious and oddballish.
Then she follows it up by suggesting that if instead of getting together to find a solution the black man is going to "decide now you have a right to be bitter and seek revenge because of the subjugation some white people forced on you and other white people allowed in the past..THEN WE WILL NEVER IMPROVE CONDITIONS.." As a result everybody except the Segregationists will lose. Furthermore, the black man, despite being only 10% of the population can help sway the country towards or salvation or destruction with his good will regardless of white racists choose to do.
Then she goes full nuclear against the money system. While I'm guessing that she means the debt-based fiat money system to some degree she later clarifies it to mean a cashless society! Which is right out of the globalist conspiracy playbook to TAKE OVER AMERICA AND SUBJUGATE HER TO A NEW WORLD ORDER. See, I can go full cap gonzo myself and spout Doomsday phrases.
Her war of words against the money system continues through much of the remaining six pages. As I said earlier, it's a mixed bag of Socialism and groupthink, only flirting with Communism due to the fact that she wants humanity to accept enforced equalization instead of being dragged into by force.
At the end of page 1 she mentions Gunnar Myrdal, who was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in the late 1940s. Myrdal came up with the theory of Circular causation in 1956, which boiled down to the notion that a change in one form of an institution will lead to successive changes in other institutions. Not knowing anything about the man before her mention I believe that it was due to his likewise theory of cumulative causation - that is, of poverty creating poverty. Myrdal also pointed out that two economic policies implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration inadvertently destroyed jobs for hundreds of thousands of blacks.
She then continues on about fiat currency and the Federal Reserve - which she wasn't wrong about - and then segues into the deleterious effects of taxation before dropping the BOMB of "God gave us everything on this planet FREE (call it what you will), to help in producing it and sharing it according to need (resulting in a more godlike way of life when people are spiritually evolved enough to live it..becoming only dictatorships, otherwise.)"
After a few more diatribes on money and the matters of voluntary equalization and inequity she says that to get closer to the universal ideal of being godlike we should adopt the kabutz (it's actually kibbutz, which is Hebrew for “gathering” or “collective” and alternately spelled qibbutz) of Israel. Which was and is an Israeli collective settlement, generally agricultural and often also industrial, in which all wealth is held in common. Voluntarily, of course, it would spread nation-wise and then perhaps even planet-wise as God or It wishes for the One-Atomic-Unit-of-Being.
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