The Charles Laughead and Rose Phillips connection and the split between the factions of the Study Group on Interplanetary Relations seem to be one and the same as they keep falling into my web searches inadvertently.
The featured article in this post Flying Saucers and Cultists by Laura Marxer appeared in January 15, 1955 issue of The Saucer Sentinel and seems to corroborate my earlier speculation on the subject of the physical and psychical in regards to the group's research goals.
As previously stated, the treasurer of the group, psychic Rose Phillips, was offering psychic help to The Seekers, the Doomsday cult founded by Charles Laughead and led by Dorothy Martin in their predictions of saucers coming to take the chosen people from the ensuing destruction of the Earth.
While Laura doesn't mention Phillips by name she does allude psychic sources, which she seemingly was.
A follow-up article in the February 1, 1955 issue of the same publication Let's Keep the Saucers on the Physical Plane lays down the law of the Interplanetary Relations group. I will post that in a future entry.
I am providing both an image and text form of the articles for documentation and searchability reasons. In that way if some seeker Googles Laura Marxer + Laughed he is more apt to find this and other connections. It also provides a search capability within this blog to more easily find passages without having to perform time-consuming re-reads of the reproduced original texts.
by Laura Marxer (Flying Saucer Lecturer and a Director of The Flying Saucer Research Society)
I speak for the countless volunteer civilian flying saucer researchers who are conducting a serious investigation of the presence of unidentified flying objects in the skies.
Especially, I speak for the local saucer investigation groups that have tried to point out to the press, these recent days, that the "Laughead Messages" were from the "unknown physical realms" and had nothing to do with the serious "physical" investigation that has been done over the years by hundreds of conservative people through orthodox channels.
Apparently it suits the newspapers to ignore the differentiation, for they have not mentioned it.
It is only fair that we have an opportunity to state publicly that all of our local saucer investigation has been done from the physical plane on which we exist.
We neither condone nor refute psychism or extra-sensory perception. We do not go into it in our saucer researches.
A recent Detroit newspaper editorial stating, that "the space brothers had lost caste" with the editor, automatically puts all saucer researchers in the public eye because the press has not bothered to properly analyze the situation and represent it fairly.
There are over 1500 volunteer civilian saucer researchers in Detroit and surrounding areas. Some of us have gone into personal financial debt because our own "physical" saucer experiences were of such substantial and serious nature that we feel that all that can be known about flying saucers should be known.
It would appear, under the circumstances, that we are an ignored minority.
Dr. Laughead was one individua1 who, in his enthusiasm to find out all he could about saucers, used bad judgement and did what all of us have probably done at one time or another: allowed his ego to be appealed to by what he felt were authentic messages coming to him (from psychic sources).
More and more, too many people of integrity are seeing unusual things to discount them all. That individual, who feels free to judge another's reasoning, because he, himself, has not seen a saucer, deserves to have a tremendous sighting, all by himself, with no one to substantiate his story.
The editors who refuse to fairly differentiate between the Laughead's "grievous human error" and the physical research that is being done by civilians everywhere deserve a like fate.
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