As stated in the previous post, Laura Mundo's brother Arthur Lufkin (Lorefkin?) Mundo was a Superior Court judge in San Diego for many years and authored two books, The Expert Witness in 1938 and More Gravel Than Pearls, a book of poetry, in 1940. Both of which I have obtained copies of and was hoping would offer something of a personal nature, to no avail. I may eventually post some sample pages of this text if it is applicable to the subject at hand. The cover and preface will follow below.
1938, the year of the book's publication was a reunion year foe the siblings as their mother had passed away in Maine and both had made it to the funeral from their respective homes in Dearborn Heights, Michigan and San Diego, California. On their return trips Laura rode with the judge and his wife first to her home in Michigan and then traveled on with her brother to his home for a month's visit.
From Laura's accounts in her book Belmont, she and Arthur were close when she was young - he being 18 years her senior - but had little in-person contact after he enlisted in the service and moved to Washington D.C. and then on to California.
Obviously, later in life when she was in full-fledged saucer researcher mode he would have likely kept a distance as a long-time judge. His reputation in San Diego seemingly was in good standing as he quit the bench during WWII to enlist. Later lenient rulings in regard to prison sentences seemingly drew public ire and editorial rebuke.
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