A Highly Unprofessional Reading of Laura Mundo's "Flying Saucers and the Father's Plan"

I will not sugarcoat the fact that I find Laura Mundo's life to be both riveting and tragic. It also has quite an historical bent to it in that she was one of the earliest researchers of the flying saucer phenomenon. Many people in the UFOlogist field write her off as a lunatic - and in some sense it was a well-earned reputation - but luckily for me I am not part of that peer group in any sense of the word. 

I do not believe in flying saucers from other worlds. While I do believe that various governments are involved in secret programs of advanced technological aviation, I have never been of the mind that there are Visitors from outer space regularly landing here. That said, I find Laura to be an eccentric pleasure worth investigating and have endeavored in that direction.

One particular interest of mine is to both make her works available in both annotated readable form as well as audio versions. I neither pretend to be a professional reader nor strive to be anything except a vehicle to get the words across while reacting to them while digesting the material during a live reading. Any laughter or snide remarks shouldn't be taken as an affront to what she is conveying in her writing but rather as a gut reaction to this fascinating woman.
