Envelope and Letter to Otto Marxer in Switzerland from George Beach and Wife and Postmarked in Ogunquit, Maine, July 24, 1934

This is a July 1934 letter to Otto Marxer and his new bride Laura Mundo while on their honeymoon in Lichtenstein and Switzerland from a fellow chef in Maine named George Beach and his wife Vernie.

Sometime after their honeymoon Otto and Laura moved to Dearborn, Michigan as the Marxers accepted positions - Otto as a chef - at Henry Ford's new hotel, the Dearborn Inn. Built in the New England style of inns, Ford imported much of the early staff from that region. 

July 17, 1934 
Dear Otto, 

Your letter arrived two days ago. A sure token to us, that you & Laura were well on the way to a very happy summer in the Fatherland.

Vernie, Joyce, and I, have a little six room cottage just four miles out from Ogunquit. We have running water...

Dear Otto,

George started this letter to you last night when was interrupted by guests - So, this morning I decided to write...

a line or two to Laura - Haha good bye, to you, flat foot and 

Hello Laura - 

Gee, I sort of envy you folks living the life of Riley - Wish we would have made the trip with you. Perhaps we will some day.

As George started to say - we have a six room cottage out in the country - Have we gone back to nature or not?! We have oil lamps, outside Johnny (Chick Sales type) and a pump in the kitchen - More fun!! I love living out here, away from all the hum drum of the city.

Joy is developing every day - she tries to get up and...

walk supporting herself against the table or chairs. Really, she is the sincerest thing - Right now she's sitting beside me cooing for all she's worth. Don't know what I even did without her around!!

Last week we had a hot dog roast here - We invited eight people and twenty-four made their appearance. What a gang! - I had to use custard cups and glasses for cups for their coffee - We cooked the hot dogs in the baby's bath tub (the only thing large enough available) - The coffee we boiled in our tea kettle - Just picture...

the young standing around the bath tub waiting for a hot dog. My coffee is purking so I'll have my breakfast now.

Do write when you find time.

Love - Vern


At it again, Otto. 

It is raining pitch forks & hammer handles out in the deep void beyond the window. 

Mel Hall, the chef we met at the Catherine Gibbs School & my present boss, is the answer to all of my...

Prayers for the perfect superior. He is the same all the time. He gave me complete charge over the girls in the kitchen & of course the dishwashers. He never butts in & never changes any decision I make. I haven't lost my well known temper once in the past month. It is a veritable paradise after the hell of last summer. We have a perfect kitchen & dining room on same floor. We feed two hundred & up every week day & that number goes sky-

rocketing on weekends. From what I hear from the salesmen, we have the best house count in Maine so far this season. Mel Hall's two sons work here also, one as butche & one as salad man. Both are mighty fine fellows. Honestly Otto. I hope that we both can go wherever he goes this winter. You would like him so much.

Mrs. Norris died this summer.

July 23, '34

Yes, Otto - this is very...

much the proverbial book - or, "memoirs of a floor steward."

Have a good time you folks & gain at least twenty pounds Otto.

Hope you find your family in best of health. 

Regards to you & Laura 

