Speaker to Give Factual Reports On Flying Saucers

The Birmingham Eccentric, December 9, 1954

"The Truth About Flying Saucers" is the subject of a lecture scheduled for 7 p.m.. Sunday, Dec. 12, in the Pontiac senior high school auditorium.

Laura Marxer, noted Saucer researcher and lecturer and vice president of the Detroit Flying Saucer club will be the speaker. 

Bob Chapek, former Birmingham resident and director of the Flying Saucer Research society of Michigan, said Mrs. Marxer would relate many factual, documented reports of sightings and landings of Saucers.

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He said that the program would also include the showing of "The Day the Earth Stood Still," a film dealing closely with the subject. This, with Mrs. Marxer's pictures and revelations on what has been done on unidentified flying objects will, he feels, do much to remove doubts about the existence of Saucers.

Reservations for this area are taken by Mrs. Clarence N. Terrien, 4481 Sedium Glen, Pontiac.
