I've far too many obscure research projects but the one foremost in my periphery at present is almost ridiculous. That being, finding out the lives of Laura Mundo's high school classmates who wrote in her The Opinions of the Distinguished Seniors of C.H.S. booklet. CHS being William G. Crosby High School in Belfast, Maine. Obviously, not an extended genealogy but a rudimentary post high school, marriage, newsworthy stories and ultimately, their demise.
The first person that I am tackling is out of order as regards to the beginning of the booklet and that's being done for one simple rationale: smack dab in the middle of Eleanor Brierly's page is the phrase, "Ask 'Holt' he knows. Being that I am a Holt, I thus strive to tell you what it all means. What could be a more blatant sign than that?
Technically, the front cover of the Our Diamond Leader notebook is the back cover which spells out the booklet's intent of interviewing the seniors of Laura's 1929 class for opinions on the students in their inner circle.
The actual front cover contains a few sketches of women's faces, the name Ralph Closson, her 26-year-old boyfriend at the time, her address then which seems to have been 3 Court Street in Belfast, Maine and the date that the notebook was consumated at her time of graduation on January 16, 1929.
As for Eleanor Brierly, the first entry which came up in a Google search is from the Maine Alumnus, Volume 36, Number 4, January 1955:
Therein, it is stated that she is married to David Tolman, the editor of the Maine Experiment Station and had two children as of January, 1955.
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