Sunspots and the Super Sonic Age of Ever-Changing Sexuality and Gender Fluidity and Its Necessary Reversal

Working on the premise of a previous post concerning Laura Mundo's seeming semi-obsession with gender roles and sexual identity in those around her and within the life of Orthon (possibly an evolution of Enoch of the Bible), the Adamski (Laura recast him as a reborn Lucifer) created Venusian Earth visitor, I present this foray into bisexuality and homosexuality in her autobiography Belmont

As posited in the Saucer Life podcast by Aaron Gulyas about where her fixation on gender roles in the rebirth of reincarnated lives and transsexualism with the question (at about the 1:02:00 mark), "I wonder who there was in Laura's life who might have been going through some of these issues or feelings." Well, here is the origins of those thoughts according to her, though she did mention an  hermaphrodite a few pages earlier who was later institutionalized.

As with George Adamski later in life, the repeated sexualization of her as a tween by her older stepbrother Hank Jones (I won't pin an actual name on the fictionalized character of her real life stepbrother) throughout her adolescence didn't end with just her. It was also foisted upon her stepbrother of the same age, Ben Jones by Hank. Ben was a boy who was seemingly more in tune with Laura's feminine nature and the greater worldview. Mind you, he and his grandmother had also seen a flying saucer so they were somewhat kindred souls, though it took a while before they reached an agreeable and happy medium. So it would be within Hank's psychological profile to also subject his younger brother to the sexual shenanigans of a bully pervert with no scholarly inclinations. A smarmy simpleton as it were.

According to Laura, Hank and Ben engaged in fellatio in the barn. An act which they referred to as wrestling and was quite likely more hazing and joking around than an actual act of incest, but who knows. Whichever was the instance, Laura delves into the psychological ramifications of sexual interplay between children of the same sex which can lead to bisexuality, homosexuality and even transexualism. A notion which she contends is related to the accelerating sunspots of the time in the late 1960s well into the 1970s. This period of time would have to be reversed to re-balance the glands, minds and souls of those afflicted. Maybe she was on to something. While she doesn't condemn these acts as immoral she does think that they are counterproductive to a functioning soul within the Father's Plan.
