"Visitor" - The Official Publication of the Interplanetary Relations, Volume 1 Number 10, May-June 1957

This post is a slight bit off-topic but pertinent to the Laura Mundo conversation as The Interplanetary Relations magazine The Visitor came from the same realm in the Detroit area during the latter half of the 1950s. Surely their paths crossed whether in friendship or in an adversarial manner as Laura was not afraid to sling mud. The outfit was run by Don Wysocki of Belleville and operated out of his homestead at 14315 Haggerty Road. The group later became the Detroit UFO Research Group.
Wysocki is mentioned in the FBI files and helped organize a flying saucer convention in Kalamazoo in 1958, serving as the group's secretary. The said group, Michigan Flying Saucer Federation, was being investigated for supposed backing by fascists or communist type groups.
According to FBI surveillance documents concerning the Detroit flying saucer scene, Rose Phillips, associate editor of Visitor, was also the treasurer for The Study Group on Interplanetary Relationships. She was also a psychic and this may have lead to her splitting off from Laura's group due to its resistance to such paranormal influences as they related to flying saucers. There is an article by Rose in this issue and the magazine is said to have come from her estate by the seller who I purchased it from.
Another notable name on the staff is Joe Grzych, who did several covers for Laura's publications and likely printed them as well since that was his and wife Connie's professions.
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